About the Author: BlackR0se

About BlackRose

I thought it would be cool if I had a page that shared a little information about me. I go by a few names in the fandom. Justagirl28, Amberosa Costo, BlackRose28, but you can call me AJ.

I started telling stories to my little sister when I was about 13 years old. I always been the kind of person that liked to twist a story or want more out of it. I’m constantly watching movies and wondering what happens next. I was elated when I came to realization that I wasn’t the only one and fanfiction and fandoms existed. I came to fanfiction only to be a spectator at first but of course it lured me in. Stories started filling my head.

Leah Clearwater, the character that many people say I’m obsessed with was my main goal. I felt so bad for her and so the potential for so many stories with the character. I have sense evolved (slightly) into other fandoms and I’ve started working a little more on my original stories in hopes that one day I may be published professionally.

I thought I would give everyone some insight into my mind and answer some interview questions. If you have any other questions that you want answered and posted you can reach me at courtygurl28@yahoo.com.  I also have a Tumbler and a twitter find out more

Give us an insight into your main character. What does he/she do that is so special?

Since I’m working on several difference stories I’ll tell you about the vibe I like my main characters to have. I love to write about underdogs, maybe because I relate to them more. I like writing about characters that have a tough exterior but our soft or vulnerable, yet relatable.

What are you working on at the minute?

Black and Grey is the story that I’ve been working on the most frequently.

What genre are your books?

Romance with a touch of erotica (I’m not super smutty though)

What draws you to this genre?

I love the ideal of romance in theory. I don’t practice it much in my real life but I do enjoy mush and writing romance is how I ensure I get my fill of it

How much research do you do?

Very little, but I’m getting better about it. I’ve come to realization the more research you do the better the story.

Have you written any other novels in collaboration with other writers?

No, but I’d love to! If interested please contact me at courtygurl28@yahoo.com

When did you decide to become a writer?

I didn’t decide to become a writer, it chose me. (Corny I know but it’s the truth.)

Why do you write?

Escapism of sorts, reality can suck at times. I like fiction because I control all of it. I make the rules and I can bend them too!

What made you decide to sit down and actually start something?

Stories play out like movies in my head and until I acknowledge them certain parts go on like a loop on repeat in my brain. IT’S FRUSTRATING the only way to stop them is to sit down and write.

Do you write full-time or part-time?

Part time unfortunately.

Do you have a special time to write or how is your day structured?

Yes, because I have to work full time … again unfortunately. Not that I don’t like my job, I just LOVE to write.

Do you aim for a set amount of words/pages per day?

1000 words a day. That’s my goal some people tell me they wish it was more. I think 1000 words a day is obtainable and realistic.

Again you can reach me on twitter @blackR0se28 and courtygurl28@yahoo.com

I may put together a facebook page later.

Luv ya and thanks for reading!!

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