Seddie Statement

I know iCarly has come and gone but Seddie still consumes my brain.  Even though Carly kissed Freddie on the last episode, all I really concentrated on was the fact that neither Sam or Freddie answered whether they wanted to get back together.  

The kisses between Sam and Freddie seemed more chemistry filled.  I know it's only because the actors were really good friends but the chemistry just oozed out of them, sort of like Julia Robert and Richard Gere in Pretty Woman.  I personally think the Seddie arch could've been done better, but I did truly enjoy getting to see them interact as a couple.

To be honest I was a little ticked when iCarly consumed my brain.  I felt a little old to be glued to a Nickelodeon sitcom.  I found myself grinning in anticipation of the show to come on and singing the theme song ... badly might I add.  

I am a firm believer in opposites attracting and I feel the reason for the Seddie breakup was stupid.  People grow together, but they have different likes and dislikes ... they already had things in common, and they knew the were different before they hooked up.  

I never saw any kind of chemistry between Carly and Freddie ... NEVER.  I saw friendship at best.  

Anyway iCarly's Wedding is a future fiction of how I think Sam and Freddie come back together.  I sincerely hope that the spinoff Sam & Cat doesn't ruin that connection or place the Samantha character with someone else.  

I made Sam a lawyer in iCarly's Wedding for several reasons.  The main one is Sam is very opinionated and she able to get down to the bottom of  things.  I thought that she'd want to have a lucrative career and she could punch people in the face of justice.  I think that it's sort of cool that she did the babysitting thing in Sam and Cat it can sort of tie into her work in Juvenile Corrections and Pro Bono  work.  I was thinking of incorporating Cat into the mix too.  I think it will be cool to have her in the story!!  I just have to figure out what time of role I want her to play.

I made Freddie a big time producer because that's honest where it looked his character was headed.  He was tech saavy and his name was recognized throughout the web world.  I don't think it was too far of a stretch.  It you become famous it's obvious that in Freddie's case women would flock to him and because he is a man of course he would respond, but just because he responded didn't meant that he fell for anyone.  The story makes it pretty clear that the only person he ever loved was Sam. 

That's all Folks!

Oh I found this youtube clip of someone asking about favorite Seddie Stories on Fanfiction.  I would love for you guys to show me some love on there!  (But only it's true!)
 My hope is that for the people reading iCarly's Wedding to find this story to be so much more than the anticipated.  I thought naming it iCarly's Wedding would throw people off the scent of what the story was really about. Sam and Freddie and how they take a crazy winding path to end up getting much more than the bargained for.  This was my way of rationalizing and giving myself a complete ending to iCarly.  I've said this before but I truly hope that the new show Sam and Cat doesn't have a love interest for Sam not unless they plan on bring Freddie onto the show permanently lol.

 Baby names?
I'm still searching for the proper baby names for the Seddie twin girl!  Let me know if you have any ideas!

So Maddie has been a key player in my fanfic iCarly's Wedding.  I felt I should find a picture that really embodied what I saw her looking like.  I saw her pretty cute and a little ditzy.  Freddie finds her to be helpful with the technical stuff  and they had one naughty moment together but he never thought about having a relationship with him.  


Okay so I haven't updated this page in quite some time.  I have to admit that I enjoy Sam & Cat very much.  I like that the show seemed to grow Sam up a hair and she seemed more intelligent than when she was on iCarly.  It plays so well into my Fanfic!  I was a elated by the episode were Freddie came to visit.  It reaffirmed Seddie as a canon couple.  

Once I finally got into the show drama ensued.   The actress that plays Sam Puckett had some revealing pictures leaked online.  Now the future of Sam & Cat is up in the air.  I know Nickelodeon is probably hurting because that was their highest ranked new show.  I truly hope they get over the drama in McCurdy's personal life and bring back the show for its second season! 

What do you think will Sam & Cat be back for a second season?   

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