Black and Grey Exclusive: Things to do with Tammy

A couple of people have indicated they were curious about Tamera ethnicity ... So I decided to give a little background.  These are the people I envision when I think of the Blacks.

So everyone meet THE BLACKS....

Left: Imani Sinclair Jackson- Black
Middle: Tamera Jazmine Black
Right: Isaac Malcolm Black

Look at the awesome picture one of my readers sent me for my birthday.  It's a pic of Tam's parents.  I didn't even think to look for a picture of them together.  They are actually filming together now.  I really called this one they look great together :-)

Again I want to think everyone for reading this story!  It was an unexpected brain child that I personally can't get enough of.

"Tamera, how can you look at yourself in that dress and not realize how sexy you are?"  - Theodore Grey

Hello all!  This page is dedicated to Theodore R. Grey buying Tamera her first grown and sexy dress.  I imagine the dress being like one of the two listed above.  Tell me which one you think is sexy enough to be worn by the lady that is on Teddy's arm.

We want more Tam!  Here is one of the Promo for her mother's line!

Also, here's peak at the ring Ted's giving her!!

What do you think?  Do you think she'll love it? More things to be revealed soon!

August 10, 2013

I'm a really bad person I haven't written on Tammy in a very, very long time.  Right now I'm in the part of the story where they are starting to feel out the differences being in a relationship instead of just being friends.  I was going to take the story a bit slower but people were starting to complain and asked me where I was going with the story.  I totally understand we are over 40 chapters in and nothing major has happened sexually anyway.  So I'm switching my game up and the game changer will be taking place in the next chapter so I'm excited and I hope you readers will be too!  So now let's talk Tam shall we?

Now that Tam is Teddy girlfriend she finds herself feeling more confident and unsure at the same time.  Confused?  So is she.  She feels more confident in her sexuality and the fact that she is pretty because Ted makes her feel that way.  She's his perfect angel and he's described as such several times at this point.  Tamera is nervous that once they have sex that his "obsession" with her will be over he'll grow bored and he'll want to break up.  Even though he's assured her that that's not the case Tamera doesn't fully believe him.  She also, knows that she doesn't want to be in a relationship where the the made calls all the shots.  She knows that Teddy is very, very used to getting his own way all the time.  She doesn't want to be submissive to him.  She wants their relationship to grow at a realistic pace, the problem she hasn't been in a relationship in a very long time and doesn't really know what the pace should be.

Can she get past her fears and just go with the flow?

September 2013

Black and Grey is coming to an end :-(  Everybody has been curious about what was said in Tammy's letter.
I will be an epilogue in the story but I wanted it here first. Do you think Teddy will go after Tam?  The events that happen after this will be reveal in a new story!!  I wanted to be true to EL James way of writing to end with you wanted more. So I will end Black and Grey and pick back up with the sequel.

Also another reason I wanted to break the stories up is because this story is far longer than I anticipated and there's at least another fifty chapters to write.

New Story in the works

Lately, I've been having visions of Tam and Ted first meeting.  I had to write it out and get it out of my head before I could go forward with other things.  So I wanted to find someone that kind matched a young Tam in my head.  This was the best I could do.

Just imagine here with hazel eyes!  This is the little girl that sat down beside a young Teddy and made him realize that all girls aren't weird.  Tam was weird but in a different interesting way.  From the moment they met he was captivated and I hope once you read the prequel you'll be hooked too!

The story will be call The Young Adventures of Teddy and his Tam (coming soon)

November 08, 2013

I figured I would give a little teaser for the prequel!!  So here's chapter one.  I've started the story on so if your interested please give it a read!!

Another boring Monday, I slumped down in my seat.  I will never use algebraic equations.  I really didn’t the point of it all.  I jotted down the notes Ms. McNeil put on the board knowing full well that in a few minutes she would call for a pop quiz.  This teacher was weird it was like she got some sort of pleasure over making something that was already sucked painful and damn near unbearable.  I sighed as I plugged the numbers into my calculator I still wasn’t getting the same answer as the teacher.  I balled up my piece of paper and Laurie looked back at me.  Her blue eyes widened, she pushed her hair back and gave me a little wave.  This girl was always ALWAYS in my face.  She was forever passing me notes or asking me to go places.  I keep telling her no!  I think she’s gross but she keeps looking at me with her bug eyes.  I rolled my eyes girls were so weird.  I was polite enough to smile back even though I didn’t want to.  Just as I went to try the problem on the board again there was a faint knocking on the door.  The principle came in with this another one and holy cow did she look a mess.  At least Laurie was sort a put together. 

“Sorry to interrupt your lesson Ms. McNeil, but you have new student.” Ms. McNeil put her dry erase marker down and smiled too brightly anybody in our class knew she didn’t behave that way over us. 
“Oh yes Miss Tamara Black.  You are quite the little beauty aren’t you!”  The girl frown at our teacher and shook her head. 

“TaMERa,” she corrected.  “And I’m not beautiful no need to lie.” The sighed and smoothed her hands over her black shirt with our schools name on it.  Nobody really ever wore the black version on the shirt but I had to admit it looked pretty good with the khaki pants.  I might ask mom to order me a couple.  After a few moments of chatter from Ms. McNeil, the girl, Tamera was forced to say a few words. 

“Hello, I’m Tamera Black.  My family just moved here from New York my mom loved it there because her business is there but my dad business is growing down here so … yeah that’s why I’m here.  Is that all?”  This girl was not like the others.  Anytime Laurie or any of her friends got in front of the class they would take Ms. McNeil a couple of minutes to get them out of the spotlight. 

“Yes, that’s fine sweetheart.  There’s a seat next to Theodore go make yourself comfortable and start taking notes.”  The girl nodded as she looked in my direction.  I guess my solitude was gone and that was the one thing I actually like about this class. 

“Hello Theodore,” the girl whispered.  “I’m sorry to invade in your space.” Her comment made me turn and look at her.  It was then I noticed the color of her eyes.  Hazel … my grandma’s eyes were hazel but they weren’t as bright as hers they damned near looked golden. 

“It’s cool, you were told to sit here it’s not a big thing,” murmured and then when back to trying to work the math problem.  After a few minutes I felt a tap on my shoulder. 

“I … I don’t mean to be a pain but you’re doing that wrong.  I mean, it’s almost right but in math it really doesn’t matter does it,” she chuckled at what I think was supposed to be a joke.  “May I?” The girl inched my paper over so it was between us.  She twirled her purple mechanical pencil while she looked at the work I’d done so far. 

“Ah, I see,” she whispered as she erased where I was getting confused and fixed it.  She grabbed her matching purple calculator and got the same answer that was on the board.  “There much better.” She slid the paper back over to me and I frowned at her.  Normally, I hated being wrong or shown up in anyway.  Even though this girl, Tamera, had done that she did it in the nicest way possible.  She bunched her messy hair up into a bun as she listened to the teacher and started taking notes.  She wasn’t even fazed by me as a person she was so focused. Every now and then I would catch her taking peaks at my paper to make sure I was getting everything.  I swear she was an anti-girl, I’m not calling her a boy, but she was kind of like a robot.  After our pop quizzes that we both aced, thanks to Tamera.  Tamera dutifully started putting her things back in her book bag.  She pulled her schedule out and frowned as she studied it.  I noticed Laurie headed our way. 

“Where are you headed next?”  The girl looked at me startled that I was asking. 

“Uh, Miss Simon’s class for AP English?”  There were two teachers named Ms. Simons so I looked over her shoulder, she was in my next class too. 

“I’m headed that way now … if you wanna walk with me or whatever.”  Laurie just happened to hear the end of our conversation.  She looked a little bummed about something but it didn’t sway her from asking her question. 

“So Teddy, are you going to sit with us at lunch today?  My Nana made cupcakes,” she smiled sweetly and I noticed Tam anxiously staring at the clock at the front of the classroom. 

“Maybe, look we’ve got to go I’m showing her to class.”  I waved the girl off.  I normally sat alone at lunch and every now and then she or some other chick would try sitting with me.  It’s not that I didn’t think girls were cute.  Laurie is cute they were just so damned pushy and for what who knows.  “I love English … especially literature.”  Tamera said as we neared the classroom. 

“It’s not my fave thing but its okay.  My mom owns a publishing company she’s always reading something.” 
“REALLY!  Which one?”  The girl pulled out her tablet and got ready to search. 

“It’s called Grey Publishing,” I mumbled and she typed it in and then looked at me.  “You’re Theodore Grey.  My dad was talking about you the other night … I was barely paying attention.  Your dad wants to buy my dad’s company.  No way in hell that’s happening.”  She chuckled.  I raised my eyebrows now this was intriguing.  We sat together again and we talked the little bit of shop we knew. 

“I’ve actually read a couple of the books your mom has published.  She and her staff have very good taste but right now I’m reading The Creature.”  As she told me about it my interest was piqued.  So she did a book share to my tablet.  “Yeah I’m in love with it even though it’s a tad gory.” 

“I like gore.” 

“Most boys do,” she chuckled. As class got underway I was a little bummed.  Tamera didn’t talk during English unless she was answering a question.  She was forever answering a question.  I liked the way she talked.  I liked that it wasn’t about childish things.  I flipped through the intro of The Creature during the beginning of class.  The book grabbed you and sucked you in from page one.  I jumped at one of the parts and decided that I’d have to read the rest of it at home. 

“We are going to be reading The Hobbit by J.R.R Tolkien I loved that book!”  Tamera whispered while she downloaded the book from our k12 site and I followed her lead and did the same. 

“Never read it,” I mumbled. 

“You’ll love it!” She said excitedly. 

“How do you know I’ll love it?”  She glared at me for a moment and then shrugged. 

“You’re right you may not love it.  I can only speak on myself and I love it.”

“You’ve said that already,” I chuckled.  I noticed that Marie was looking back at us.  Normally she would end up sitting beside me, but not today.  I was thankful too.  I didn’t feel like being asked out again. 

“I do have issues with redundancy,” she giggled and gave a little smile.  Wow, now that was pretty she should do that more.  For the rest of the class they got to start reading chapter one I was hoping that Tamera would talk some more but she seemed well invested in her book.  I was reading but I was nowhere near as invested as Tamera.  After a few minutes she chuckled at something in the book and looked at her.  Her hazel eyes looked up at me and she scooted a bit closer. 

“Are you at this part yet?”  She shared what she was laughing at and I laughed too.  “Funny right!”  She whispered and this caused Marie frown at me and eventually she ended up going to the clinic and claiming that her stomach hurt. 

The end of the day came and I’d ended up spending the majority of it with Tamera.  We only had one two classes that differed our electives and gym were flipped flopped.  I was standing at her locker while she attempted to open her lock for the second time.  “Crap!”  She said as she got it wrong again. 

“Want me to try?”  She pouted and nodded. 

“You don’t like to be wrong do you?” I asked. 

“Does anybody?”  She retorted dryly. 

“True.  But sometimes you have to get things wrong it’s the only way you learn,” I stated something my mom had told me a few times. 

“You mean like you in math today?” She gave a devilish grin and I frowned at her.  I’d just opened her locker and I shut it.  “I’m just playing!”  She whined.  “Please open it back!”  She poked out her bottom lip and couldn’t help but smile at her.  As she put her books in her locker I asked a question that for some reason made me nervous. 

“So did you want to give me your number … so that we could meet and I could show to our first class tomorrow?” I blurted out in a rush.

“Okay give me your phone.” I did as she instructed and she put her number in and called herself.  “Now I have yours too!” She smiled.  “Shea’s here so I better go,” she mumbled.  “Thanks for being so helpful today Theodore, you’ve been mad decent.”

“Don’t call me Theodore only my grandma calls me that.  You can call me Teddy,” I said as I put my phone back in my pocket. 

“Okay Teddy, you can call me Tam I’ll see you tomorrow.  Same place same time!” She giggled as she walked away.  I laughed at her corny joke and shook my head.  Time seemed to fly by today.  It was by far one of the best days at school I’d had in a long time.


  1. I think Tamera is beautiful and perfect for Teddy.

    1. Thanks I think the actress/model is lovely too. Her real name is Denise Vasi. It was crazy because I wrote the description of what Tam looked like in my head and then I decided that I wanted a banner and when I saw her picture I was shocked that she came so close to what I'd envisioned.
